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What is the bounce rate of a website?

When we have a website, we have access to many statistics. Among these statistics, we can find the bounce rate. This is a statistic that often generates as much confusion as it does questions. Is a bounce rate close to 100% a good or bad sign? Is this a superfluous stat that it is okay to ignore and if not, how do you control it. These questions are often asked of uk telephone numbers list many marketers and the answers do not flow from source. This article therefore aims to define what the bounce rate of a website is and to explain how to limit that of your site. They can be confused but the bounce rate of a website is not comparable.

Understanding Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who go to a page and then leave the site without clicking anywhere or going to any other page. Bounce rate also differs from exit rate because the visitors  counted in the bounce rate have viewed only one page of your website. To analyze the exit rate requires a slightly more complex operation. For what? Because this rate represents the percentage of visitors who left the site from a specific page, regardless of the number of pages viewed. The exit page can be the last step in a long navigation sequence. The exit rate is therefore less of a concern.

Perform a comparison of exit rate

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On a landing page for example, a high bounce rate is a bad sign this high bounce rate will mean. That most visitors have viewed the page but have Bolivia Phone Number List not downloaded filled out any forms. Therefore  generating no conversion. On the other hand, a high exit rate on a thank you page is nothing to worry about . In this scenario, a high exit rate means that the exit page is the last in a series of pages visited. For example, your visitors probably arrived via a landing page, downloaded the offer made available on the thank you page, and then left the site to enjoy the downloaded content.

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