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The format provis for such

Contact A competition where there are no accints In the more than -year history of the Effie competition, no award was accintal. All thanks to the carefully select composition of the jury, consisting of outstanding figures from the marketing industry. The liberations of the jury are multi-stage and so impartial and unblemish that the Jury of the Competition does not exclu employees of the submitting companies from the group of jurors.  Situations, so they do not have insight into the opinion of their own work. The jury awards points that qualify for the statuette. When evaluating the numerous parameters of the review campaigns, attention is paid to both the craftsmanship of marketers’ work and the broad business context.

In some categories as in ours

In the end it is the points that ci whether and which statuette each entry will receive. This year, gold, silver and bronze statuettes were distribut.  Gold has not been allocat – adds yta Frąckowiak, VP of the agency, who was also a juror of the competition. It is worth noting here that in the case of the “Performance marketing e-commerce” category, out of Spain Mobile Number List many submissions, only two campaigns receiv awards. In this case, silver and bronze statuettes were distribut. The most important industry competition For many marketers, the very name of the Effie Awards makes the heart beat faster.

Phone Number List

In Poland the competition

This is one of the most important industry competitions in the world, which has been organiz since. It promotes solutions that set new trends and standards and lead to high business results. Currently, the format is implement unr a global license in countries.  Has been organiz by the Association of Marketing Communication SAR since . Nominat and award in Effie Awards, campaigns and solutions from around the world are includ in the Effie Inx. It is a global indicator of marketing effectiveness, presenting LOB Directory the most effective agencies, marketers, brands, networks and holdings in the world.

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