Return to the home page or getting acquaint with an interesting offer). After making sure that the search engine is working properly, you can proce to configure its tracking. Analytics, you will find out what content your users are looking for and what percentage of recipients actually use it. The data contain therein will make it easier for you to decide on the selection of products or articles that you will want to offer to users. How to configure site search in Google Analytics – Universal Analytics? In the case of UA, you ne to divide your work into stages: identifying the search parameter on your site and setting up the report in the Google Analytics administration.
Then you may notice something
Search parameter Let’s assume that the recipient enter the website and want to check what he can learn about the new version of Google Analytics . For this purpose, he uses the search engine and enters “GA ” in it. A list of suggest pages matching the search phrase appears. In the URL of that page: It contains the search content: semahead.agencyen ?s=ga . The phrase before the equal sign is the query parameter that is ne for further Panama Phone Number List configuration in GA . In our case, it is the letter “s”, but it may be different for your site. Common names are “query”, “search”, “p”. There is no parameter in the URL.
Does this mean that we are at a loss
The website can be built in such a way that the URL address after using the search engine will not have the parameter we are looking for And there is nothing more we can do? NO! Universal Analytics has other useful features that can help us in this situation, namely… filters! Go to Google Analytics and select Admin > Filters in the View column. Then click Add Filter > Create New Filter . Give it a name by which you will know what it is, Search LOB Directory parameter. Later, you ne to select the Custom type > Search and replace.