WordPress backup methods manual In the case of a classic shar hosting service, phpMyAdmin is usually already install and you just ne to log in to it. The view as below appears: How to properly back up a website bas on CMS WordPress? We log in to PHPMyAdmin on the server. From the panel on the left, select the WP database. With “wp On the right side of the screen you will see a list of tables contain in the database, click on the export tab at the top of the screen. Make sure Quick is select and click the Go button. A download message will appear. Depending on the size of the database, this process may take several minutes.
The easiest way to do this is with
If we want to personalize the database export, we must select the custom backup option. A list of options will appear. Then select your WP system files. Make a complete copy of all files in the directory and subdirectories, and the .htaccess file. An FTP client – the most popular is Filezzila. Plug The most popular is Updraft Plus. It allows you to automatically save your backup to the cloud, dropbox or Google Drive (and many other places). Below is an example Henan Mobile Phone Numbers of where you can store a copy of a page made with the Updraft Plus plugin. How to properly back up a website bas on CMS WordPress.
If you want to back up your website
After installing the plugin, an additional category will appear at the top of the WordPress panel, which, when expand, shows all its options. How to properly back up a website bas on CMS WordPress? How to properly back up a website bas on CMS WordPress? Just go to the “BackupRestore” tab and select “backup”. How to properly back up a website bas on CMS WordPress? After the website is back up, it will be in the “existing backups” section. And that’s where LOB Directory we can restore the page, delete its copy or trace the logs.