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Due to the fact that these search

Where does hreflang work? Hreflangs , in addition to Google search, also work for Yanx and Seznam. For other search engines, the lang attribute is consir. Engines are constantly in the top when it comes to popularity rankings ( netmarketsharesearch-engine-market-share.aspx ). Clever people will notice that we have Google, we have Yanx, we have Seznam, but we do not have the second most important search engine in Poland, Bing. More about how to optimize language versions for BING can be found on the blog of this search engine: blogs. bingwebmasterhow-to-tell-bing-your-websites-country-and -language.

The use of the x-fault tag is optional

Hreflangs – what to remember? If you ci to add hreflangs to your website, you should remember about a few aspects: Each page should list all alternative language versions and the one we are on. So if we have three language versions, Polish, Czech and English, on each language version there should be three hreflang attributes, in which all three are list.  But it allows you to specify which language version is appropriate for languages ​​not list in the hreflang attribute, what Lithuania Phone Number List happens when a user from Germany enters and there is no German language version. URLs must be list consiring HTTP. More on SSL certificate.

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It doesn’t matter if the language

Each subpage should point to a subpage in a different language, if we have examplepage. pltextblog, then the hreflang should lead to examplepage. plentextblogowy. We do not direct to the home page, unless a given subpage is not in a language, then as a last resort you can send the robot to the home page, but this is not a recommend situation. It is recommend to implement : hreflangs.  Versions are in the same domain or in a subdomain. Hreflangs work the same regardless of whether LOB Directory the page looks like: semahead.agencyen or en.semahead.agency.

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