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There is no clear answer here

There is often a dispute about whether to promote a post via a button or in Ads Manager, or whether to promote posts at all. Another dilemma is, if you promote, whether to promote in a campaign for posting activity or for other advertising purposes. In each of the above-mention cases, the answer can start with “It depends. because it depends on how much time we have, what our business goal is, whether it’s a one-time action, whether we have an active group of fans engaging under posts, etc. It all depends on how we answer questions relat to our business and our activities on FB.

In the case of this option We can

Effective campaigns in Google Ads? Promoting posts with the “promote post” button Let’s start one by one, how does promoting through the “promote post” button work and when is it worth choosing this option? Clicking the “promote post” button is a very quick method to create an advertisement from an organic post, but as with all quick methods, you gain time and convenience, but you lose some opportunities.  Use automatic settings, automatic target selection, intelligent audience or we can choose from several available targeting and targeting Latvia Phone Number List options, but the possibilities are smaller than those offer by the ad manager.

Phone Number List

This decision will be made by

Example of available targeting options for post promotion. We can specify a schule – the range or number of days in which the post is to be promot, and the total budget – the maximum amount that we will spend on promoting the post in a given time. There is no option such as a daily budget,  we cannot decide how much we will spend on a promot post on a given day.  Facebook’s algorithms, which will automatically vary the daily advertising budget. Schule and budget when posts are promot with a button. Also in terms of ad placement, we have quite limit options – we only have LOB Directory access to the general categories of Facebook and Instagram.

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