Pages with poor content
Each tag is a separate sub-page, usually there is only one article online store, because one product tag is assign […]
Each tag is a separate sub-page, usually there is only one article online store, because one product tag is assign […]
Requir fields Tagg Deadline Back to Blog Year Month Day Graphics Optimization on Your Website Graphics Optimization on Your Website
Image Optimization Image optimization involves naming the images that you place on your website. Usually, the names of graphics we
Graphics parameters is the size in kilobytes. A common mistake is posting photos that are too large. This is because
Want If the photo is just a thumbnail of the article, it doesn’t have. To be the same size as
Image in the Good idea to square your photos like × pixels to make sure they look good on different
Take good care of the sold online store as obsolete products online store and do not delete it from your
Online store, deterring users. We browse products. Potential customers who enter a website with errors often leave immiately, increasing the
Tools How to view on the Internet website. Online Visibility Leave a Comment Your email address will not be publish.
Show the site in search results. They should contain appropriate optimiz content. We cover how to prepare text for your
Meta descriptions How to set the title In the we set the title online store to the description in the
Whether someone decides to click on a given link depends on the first impression provid by the title. For these