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Transcripts can be supplement

Thus, it is worth taking care of it and adding both a key phrase and a call to action to it , which will encourage users to click on our search result. Transcription It is worth preparing a transcript, preferably in the form of a standard article using all standard SEO elements.  With illustrative photos using alts, which will additionally enrich the page with key phrases. Google claims to be able to transcribe episodes on its own, but first of all: it certainly doesn’t do it perfectly. Secondly, we don’t know how it is with the Polish language, which is a difficult language and full of inflectional meanders.

There is as much consumption

Transcription is a time-consuming activity, but for both the Google robot and the user who happens to have such preferences that he prefers to read rather than listen, or at the moment has the opportunity to read about the issue he is interest in, it is very convenient.  Of content as there are Internet users – let’s let Internet users absorb our content as they like. H headings The H header should be an extension of the page title and should contain a key phrase. Let’s not Russia Phone Number List cram key phrases like crazy in this element – let’s try to keep it natural. It is good that the H heading describes the topic from the podcast, giving a general outline of the topic.

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At the same time it should be plac high on the page.  On the digital market for a decade. On a daily basis, we deal with increasing the effectiveness of online promotion for the largest brands in Poland and in the world. Let’s talk about the possibilities of your business! Mandatory fields Name your e-mail Telephone What interests you? company name Detail information LOB Directory on the processing of personal data can be found here.

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