Until recently it was possible to display more questions. But in June Google confirmed that the number of questions was limited to two: Despite the introduced limit. A properly optimized FAQ section on the page can. Still bring many benefits in terms of SEO. The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section. Is a list of the most frequently repeated questions followed by a short and concise answer on a given topic. The purpose of the FAQ is to quickly provide the user with information about a given service, product and other related details to confirm his intention to use our offer and keep him on the website.
The FAQ section can
In this way he will not be forced to look for answers elsewhere in the network, which could end up in choosing the competition’s proposal. The FAQ may be on a separate subpage, but it is not a rule. Be placed anywhere, for example in the category description. This solution was used on the subpages of the Eobuwie website: In addition to the informative function, the FAQ section can be used as an element that improves the visibility of the site for new keywords. FAQ Italy Mobile Number Database vs. SEO – What are the benefits of the FAQ page? The FAQ section turns out to be useful not only in the area of marketing – we can successfully use it as an element of SEO strategy.
The FAQ section is a good place
What are the benefits of its implementation and proper optimization? The presence of FAQ rich snippets makes your site stand out in search results and can increase clicks. To post long-tail phrases that will increase the visibility of niche queries. It improves internal linking in a double way – links included in the FAQ are visible in search results. And additionally, questions in LOB Directory the section create the possibility of linking to other subpages of the website.