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When you renovate your house the

This will include everything that doesn’t go into the other two piles. Scan: Lease documents, tax returns, medical files, insurance papers, old wedding invitations and birthday cards, photos, warranty documents, etc. Save: Important documents such as birth certificates, passports, diplomas and degrees, wills, powers of attorney and service records. Place them all in a designated folder to keep them well protected and in one place. 4. Head to the Kitchen If you’re moving to a facility where you are served meals, you likely won’t have much use of all the pots, pans, kitchen appliances and utensils you’ve collected over the years. Even if you’re going to be cooking your own meals, a smaller house may not have the space to keep everything you own.

Discard broken or cracked

small appliances that don’t work or that you no longer use, and give away anything that is in good condition and can be reused. Around the Web Sponsored Should you buy an electric car? Should you buy an electric car? If it seems too daunting Turkey WhatsApp Number Data to eliminate items, try going the opposite way. What can you absolutely not live without? Once you have pulled out your must-haves, it will be easier to sort through everything else. 5. Take it a day at a Time Once you have decided you’re going to be downsizing, start decluttering. It can be six months before you actually move, or even a year.

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Continue decluttering monthly

Trying to do everything in a single day can be stressful and may impair your judgment. Limit sorting and packing activities to two hours per day and take breaks in between. And you’ll be surprised at how much you get rid of even LOB Directory before you actually start dealing with sentimental items! Bannockburn is an incredible place to live in and may be the perfect location for elders looking to spend their golden years away from the city. Bannockburn, a small semi-rural township near Geelong, is quickly becoming a popular location for people looking for a better quality of life. If you’re still in the market looking for a place, have a look at the property for sale in Bannockburn today

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