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When you create a site and structure it like

That’s good news for you. Because you want to create content that improves the web, right? But how do we create such content? Google Fellow Amit Singhal suggests that you think like a Google engineer . With that in mind, I’ve come up with 13 questions to help you produce quality articles Are you able to  that readers and search engines will love. table of contents Question 1: Is what you wrote original?  and foremost, what you write on your blog or website must be original.

This means that the content cannot be duplicated

Duplicated, or stolen. Duplicate basically means content that repeats itself. For example, one day you might write about 14 SEO copywriting tips, and another day about SEOcopywriting advice. Those two articles are duplicates if they basically say the telephone number in taiwan same thing, and you want to either delete one or modify one to make it unique. Stolen content is what it sounds like, so let’s take a look at duplicate content. You can unintentionally have a duplicate content problem.  Agreements – When you disseminate your content through a syndication distributor, other websites will pick up your article and post it.

Unfortunately, we don’t know which articles

Phone Number

Google will choose as relevant. Your site’s pages may be excluded and appear lower than the syndicated version. Subdomains – When you create a site and structure it like example.com or swimming.example.com or lifting.example.com and share content across all three… you run into duplicate content problems. . You need to recombine the duplicated content and if you don’t do it properly it will self-destruct . When it comes to affiliates, the simplest and best answer is probably to ask your affiliates not to jack your content, and France WhatsApp Number List to make sure you’re not creating a page with duplicate content just for your affiliates. Check it out. If so, use the rel=“canonical” tag . As for your own site, take some time to shut down any duplicate content issues you may have.

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