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Users of the Bing search engine

Currently, Google is a monopolist, but this time let’s look at users using websites other than those under the colorful signdepending on the research criteria gs.statcountersearch-engine-host -market share. Thanks to the system from Microsoft, we can easily reach them.  Or the MSN service are recipients with a completely different profile. We will find there more mature people, often holding higher positions and not being active on the Internet, and their intentions are often very specific. Thus, the potential for a perfect match to a given recipient increases.

This Is a Great opportunity to acquire

Blog Additional opportunities and lower costs? It’s possible! Microsoft Advertising is not only about expanding your ability to reach a larger audience. It also means much lower customer acquisition costs! Microsoft Ads is characteriz by a much cheaper CPC, the differences can reach – %! However, the standard in Shopping ads is to ruce the cost by at least % compar to Shopping ads on Google. The activities are also characteriz by a higher CTR rate, up to %, and CPA costs lower by %. Specific, decisive, new customers spending much less than in the Google Kuwait Phone Number List Ads system. It is worth noting that Microsoft’s campaigns reach where Google certainly cannot. In addition, the system is characteriz by much less competition among keywords.

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Do you want to take advantage

What are the downsides of such a solution? Bing and other services from the family have a much smaller market share, Less market share means less traffic, Bing is most popular in the Unit States, in other countries its share is much smaller, which may translate into results. Let’s talk about the possibilities of your business!  of our offer or ask a question? Contact us!  Mandatory fields Name your e-mail Telephone What interests you? company name Detail information on the processing of personal data can be found here. Is it worth investing in Microsoft Ads? Unanimous, yes! And we’re not saying that just because we’re one of the few agencies offering this. The LOB Directory Bing Ads system has a much lower entry threshold.

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