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This is a common misconception

One of the most misunderstood elements of the Facebook advertising platform is the “big and powerful” Facebook Pixel. We will tell you more about this tool. Facebook describes it this way The Facebook Pixel is an analytics tool that lets you measure the effectiveness phone number database free of Your advertising by understanding the actions of people on your website. If you thought the pixel was only used for tracking and measuring, don’t worry, you’re not alone.  So let’s take a look at each goal. In a nutshell, the three main purposes of the facebook pixel. This is generally the most understood and used purpose of the facebook pixel measure the results of your ads.

The Facebook Pixel and tracking

This is generally the most understood and used purpose of the facebook pixel . You simply place the pixel on any web page where you want to measure your advertising results. You can measure actions such  as number of leads or cost per lead, purchase data. shopping cart and checkout page activity. visitor engagement, visitor events for click on a button on your site and other data that will help you measure the results of your advertising and make data-driven decisions to increase your return on investment. Facebook’s algorithms do all the work for you if you’ve set up the pixel correctly so it’s important to take the time to do it right.

The Facebook Pixel and Audience Building

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The most misunderstood purpose of the Facebook Pixel is one of our favorites. And surprisingly not used to its full potential it’s audience building capability. Every page on your website should have  the Facebook Pixel installed. When someone visits your website’s homepage, articles, sales pages, and everything else on your site, you should track Cambodia Phone Number List that and build custom audiences based on that activity so you can redirect or retarget again, at a later time or even simultaneously. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

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