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The initial costs of headless implementations

NO WYSIWYG Although the headless approach helps in many aspects of content management and delivery, it deprives itors of WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) solutions. This term means that when making changes to the content, they are immiately visible as they will finally look after publication. An example of WYSIWG is the ability to it articles in WordPress or the drag & drop functions, which facilitate many aspects of website management. Initial and long-term costs are certainly higher than in the case of traditional solutions.

Expenses also increase depending

After all, you ne to create a front-end and integrate it with e-commerce services so that it can handle data via an API.  On what and how many technologies you use. For example, if WordPress is us to organize content, and Magento is responsible for the e-commerce layer itself, you manage two platforms at the same time. All this contributes to the increase in expenses and the ne for greater processing capacity. Is it worth investing in headless e-commerce? The headless approach can be associat with numerous benefits for online stores, especially if your Bolivia Mobile Number List offer includes the so-call. consumer packag goods. These are relatively cheap goods that consumers regularly buy (e.g. clothes, food, cleaning products, cosmetics).  great flexibility and quick changes.

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The sale of such an assortment requires

In the future, the ne for such an approach will be even more important in this context, as indicat by one of the Gartner reports : By , % of new commerce functionalities will operate in the form of SaaS, center on the API. By , % of retail organizations will require an API product manager position to modernize the application and architecture of elements relat to online sales. By , % of organizations relat to online sales will use PBC (Packag Business Capabilities),carefully LOB Directory design software components that have a specific business application.

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