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Organizing an event that

No, it didn’t really happen that way, but (spoiler) we made it anyway. From April 9th ​​to ∞ Florence, Nana Bianca: Coop Summit ’24 A location in the center of Florence . An auditorium and a room dedicated to networking, training. Workshops and debates—all for the Coop Summit—it is always nice to see spaces full of minds,. Life stories, ideas and comparisons, hands raised to make questions that will take you far. When we built the event program. This is exactly what we wanted to achieve: contamination, to concretely leave something to people. Intuitions, notions, and possibilities for concrete actions to face the fear of the future and the challenges of entrepreneurship in Italy today.

The role of We involved

Marco IT Manager, to share our Canada Phone Number Data story in numbers and challenges; our CEO,. Filippo, instead presented insights and reflections on the situation of young people and the job market. And our Alice UX Copywriter, Alice, presented by telling his more human side. And, let’s admit, when we screened the video of our #Connect, we even got excited. coop-summit-2024-roundtable2 Round table with the representatives of the cooperatives invited to the event. At the microphone Alice B (UX Copywriter) Space for cooperatives As shown in the photo, the round table was a space dedicated to some local and non-local cooperatives , vertical in some sectors, and clear in their analysis.

Phone Number Data

The cooperative system

Be they users or suppliers also thanks LOB Directory to its horizontal and non-hierarchical structure , to best guarantee the work-life balance of its workers and collaborators. «Coop is sexy, said Demetrio C., President of Rete Doc. A timely thought capable of summarizing the meaning of the whole afternoon. Training and networking After the round table, two parallel workshops started . The first, curated by Marchese, Performance Marketing Director, focused on how to plan an investment in digital marketing. Experience, theoretical notions and its application: from an overview of the different key areas (website, landing page, social, advertising, SEO) and their role in building an effective online presence, to a 35-minute exercise on the actual drafting of an investment plan.

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