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On pages with niche products

That is, those that have the right title, product descriptions and keywords. When the site has a friendly url and well-categoriz. In stores containing a large assortment.  Where the potential of the search engine is too small to display an ad. In the promotion of blog posts. The condition is a neat url structure of entries. If it is not there, and God forbid, the url of blog entries is no different from the url of the store or website offer, each article must be add manually, because the rules will not work. DSA will not work: With bad or missing product descriptions.

To sum up everyone should

Yes, there are still products with a catalog number in the header. If the site does not have. On pages in industries that are restrict, such as healthcare, alcohol, and financial services. Google will decide for itself whether a site is one of them and there is no appeal from their verdict. You can read about all the restrictions here . On sites that contain formats that Google doesn’t like – flash-bas with a lot of images. On pages with a dynamically changing assortment, because Google does not have time to index them. Try the DSA campaign and assess whether it is a solution for Shandong Mobile Phone Numbers them. When creating it, do not forget that all ad extensions can be us in DSA – the lack of them is a common error when implementing.

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