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Italian Creativity Festival Impressions

From the point of view of the US market, what are the main differences with the Italian market (if there are any) and how do you think they will evolve in the coming years? We are talking about a completely different professionalism and market, taking into account two elements: volume and maturity. In America, they simply started earlier, so today influencer marketing is already consolidated in the plans of all agencies and all clients. In Italy, however, it is something more mysterious, which is included in plans because it’s cool. There is not yet a real legitimacy to influencer marketing as it happens in the United States, also because the influencer market in Italy is now worth four hundred million euros, and in America, billions of dollars, for years already. This certainly also depends on population density.

Furthermore in Italy many

Realities have approached influencer marketing, while in the United States, everyone does their own thing as if in watertight compartments. The media center does its job, as does the creative agency, and so does the influencer Indonesia WhatsApp Number Data marketing agency. In fact, in the United States, we collaborate a lot with agencies and media centers; in Italy, where the market is smaller, the tendency is to do everything in-house. However, the verticality and skills of the influencer marketing agency. Are fundamental because there is a whole part of data analysis and tools.

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When you do something at home

You spend less. It’s true; no one is stopping you from doing it. You should keep in mind, however, that doing a job for which you are not fully prepared can be counterproductive. What are your thoughts on the current LOB Directory state of transparency in influencer marketing? Also, in light of what happened with the Pandoro-Gate case. Are the AGCOM directives a consequence or something that has already been cooking for some time? In truth, we have been working on all this for years. We were contacted years ago, together with the other main influencer marketing agencies. By the Advertising Self-Discipline Institute (IAP) when it began to draw up the digital chart. Asking us to provide feedback and advice.

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