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Instead of surprising customers

Isn’t it funny – and somehow insulting – that a supermarket would know about my wife or daughter’s pregnancy before I know about it? This is what we call the “creepiness line”. A word of caution here: avoid talking to your customer as if you were a stalker. This is also the reason why Target adjust its marketing after a few such incidents.  With a bundle of pregnancy coupons, supermarkets are now sending out a mix of coupons. You can add a link to a blog article that discusses a given issue in more detail (as we did in the point above), a product category or a service page. Remember that the links must make sense and lead to thematically relat subpages.

However a smarter salesperson

Some of these coupons are pregnancy relat, some are not. In this way, friends, fathers and partners are protect from a shock when they see the coupons. And yet moms-to-be can quietly benefit from such deals. On the other hand, if the collect data does not match a life situation, the people here will not complain either. A smart salesperson can prict customer behavior using big data. Will not trumpet them loudly in public. He will only adjust his own behavior China Mobile Number List as a trust friend would. A shar secret that nes to be kept safe.

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However it is not fully implement

Keep diving If you want to delve deeper into this story and know the details of the big data us, we recommend Charles Duhigg’s excellent article in the publish New York Times magazine. Storytelling is on everyone’s lips in marketing.  by every company. I want to tell you my favorite example of a successful brand. German fashion brand Drykorn has already understood the impact of successful storytelling . Once when I want to buy a suit from Drykorn, I stood in front of the mirror and look at the inner lining of the suit. That’s when I discover LOB Directory the phrase “For beautiful people.

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