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Infinite scroll is a way of loading content

Read the article. How do I set my Facebook Ads preferences? Ads are one of the side effects of using Facebook, to which we agree when starting to use the website and accepting the regulations. However, you can control what the website will display to you by changing your advertising preferences in the settings. Read the article. Infinite scroll and SEO – infinite scroll mechanism  completely different than pagination. It consists in the constant loading of the page for which the Java Script script is us, which automatically loads subsequent and subsequent content, making the page view never end. Read the article.

The New Era of Google Analytics Major

A gift from Google – what to do to take advantage of it? From February, by starting cooperation with an agency with the status of Google Premier Partner, you can receive up to PLN , of a bonus to be us for the first advertising activities in the Google Ads system. This is a good time to think about developing your business and getting interest in a new promotion channel. Read the article.  Changes are coming to the world of analytics. July , Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) will stop collecting data. Its new version – Google Analytics will become the only possible tool thanks to Belarus Phone Number List which you will be able to analyze the data coming from your website on an ongoing basis.

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In the process of website positioning

Read the article. How to deliver a good SEO brief to a copywriter? Content plays a very important role. Properly optimiz, they improve the website’s visibility in search results, and are also a source of information about the services and products offer. What guidelines will allow the copywriter to write texts that will meet. The client’s expectations and yours as an SEO specialist? Learn how to LOB Directory prepare a good SEO brief for a copywriter, thanks to which you will receive valuable content.

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