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I would like to introduce a comment

Decide how to spend your budget based on your experience. Which is more efficient: spending money on advertising or improving your site? Advertising is important, Amazon’s checkout button  but improving your site is even more important. Amazon used to spend billions of yen on TV advertising, but it has increased conversion rates by using some of that money to improve its site and repeating various user tests. . 19. Setting priorities is important. Site improvement involves a variety of tasks, but it is important to measure and predict effects, prioritize, and do what needs to be done. Even if you can’t change the layout of your site, you can change just a few words of text. 20. Make decisions based on data. It is no good to make decisions that are tied to the circumstances of the company or organization.

When conducting web analysis, it is important

To decide on the purpose of the analysis, and regularly review and update the purpose itself. 21. Changes that Tan be made should be made immediately. Through this process, Amazonnow accounts for 25% of commerce in the United States. Finally, I would like to introduce a comment from famous VC Guy Kawasaki. “Execution is not an event – ​​a onetime push toward achieving goals. Rather, it is a way of life.” Sorry for the bad translation, but “Execution is list of india phone numbers not a one-time event to achieve a goal. It is a way of living.” In other words, does this mean that continuity is important? — In the final Q&A, there was one interesting topic. Q: We talk about using reviews, but what about negative reviews? A: (Prefaced with the best question I’ve been asked recently) Posting negative reviews actually increases conversion rates.

As a result, it narrows down the user’s interests

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This may be the case if there is a certain amount of products available. —- . . . That was it. PFirst, the panelists explained the importance of digital assets. First up is Anne F. Kennedy of Joblr.net. The content is “Supercharge your organic Hong Kong WhatsApp Number List search results with digital asset optimization.” What is DAO (Digital Asset Optimization)? Search engines aggregate links to the information users are looking for (news, images, videos) into a single search results page. DAO optimizes the results. When we conducted an eye-tracking study of search results, we found that people focused on the top part of the search results, and then looked at a few of the bottom results. Starting in late 2005, Google began inserting images at the top of search results.

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