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How much meaning do these have

How far can you  Goal of effect measurement Business has three goals. 1. Make more money 2. Lower costs 3. Make your customers happy And the subgoals for customers are: Get attention. educate. Run an advertisement. Marketing. Sell. help. Customer service. Involved.. The criteria for evaluation indicators are as follows: Reach –  Frequency – How often do you reach your customers? How to measure effectiveness? I’m not sure if you can actually see the signboard on the expressway. The same goes for online banner ads. ↓  measure of this..

Analyzing the blogosphere provides some

Some extent with Twittersphere analysis. ↓ How much meaning do these have? Analysis of “Awareness” ・Brand awareness ・Attributes and qualities evoked by. The brand If it were Kentucky Fried Chicken, would the Colonel Sanders logo be. Recognized as the holland cell phone numbers Kentucky logo? What images come to mind? Cheap, delicious, easy, fast, finger licking, etc. The power of word of mouth By using word of mouth, you can quickly expand your reach, frequency, and awareness. YouTube videos are a typical example. Is it positive? Is it negative?

I can do it. Usually, this is determined by analyzing How much meaning do these have

Phone Number

It can be used to analyze relationships between people and topics. introducing the automatic analysis of “Obama” by a certain English automatic  analysis service and explaining that about half of the analyzes are wrong. If it’s a blog, you can analyze it by Hong Kong WhatsApp Number List the number of RSS subscribers and links. With Twitter, you can analyze it by followers and number of retweets. By mapping and analyzing this data, you can discover a variety of interesting data.

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