Home » Blog » How can you do it? The best way to

How can you do it? The best way to

1. All wheels are round for a reason.

Let me paint a portrait of our blog. It was founded with the vision of becoming a place where everyone could come to learn about design and included interesting articles, a series of interactive tutorials and an educational portal. Our goal was to fill a gap in the market where design was only taught to design professionals.

Our first thought was to provide interesting articles based on tutorials based on our product, which is an easy-to-use design platform.

If we had only done tutorial content, we would have made a taiwan phone number similar mistake many people make: writing about what you find interesting. You are the subject matter expert, right?

Fake. Creating the best content is about finding an intersection between your passion and the interests of your audience. Provide content that would interest everyone in your industry (in our case, design), not just content relevant to your niche or product. (Note: We never stopped creating tutorials, we just added more variety of content.)


How can you do it? The best way to find this intersection is to study your competition. I use tools like BuzzSumo to find what kind of content has worked well in the past.

The only point I want to make is this: if your blog is struggling to attract readers, don’t start by writing “creative” posts on topics you think are interesting.

Improve the topics in articles written by your competitors, build your audience, and then pursue more interesting things.

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2. Social strategy is not your social profiles

Do you want to boost your traffic from social networks? Do not focus on your Facebook pages, Twitter profiles, Pinterest or any other social platform.

If you have a small blog and are struggling to Czech Republic Phone Number List gain traction, don’t even worry about having one of these. First, focus on growing your blog audience.

f trying to recreate the glories of the past.


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