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Fundamental for creating quality projects

At the beginning of this year, the world of influencer marketing experienced profound turbulence. To navigate through the currents of recent dynamics and understand the implications of the new AGCOM directives and the echo caused by Pandoro-Gate in the advertising sector, we sought the opinion of an authority in the field. Recently, we had the opportunity to interview Karim De Martino, Vice President Business Development Europe of one of the leading influencer marketing companies with offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Italy.

With a long experience in digital marketing

And the creator economy, Karim offered us a detailed overview of the current situation. Projecting a human and genuine approach towards the future of collaborations between creators and brands. Human Before Digital? Yes, it’s definitely fitting. Enjoy the reading! Karim-de-Martino-interview-influencer marketing Let’s start from what could represent a real problem: the definition India WhatsApp Number Data of the professional roles of those who work with social media and offer their services to companies: influencers, testimonials, creators, etc. Could you help us shed some light on this? When I started working in this industry at the end of 2009, those who did this type of job were called “bloggers.”.

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Besides her there were very few

We also had clients like Melissa Satta and Alessia Marcuzzi. For whom we had launched their respective blogs. Only with the arrival of Instagram did the opportunity to have large fan bases really materialize and the term “influencer” was born . So, yesterday blogger, today influencer. However , “Content creator” is the third evolution. Why? Because essentially, at a certain point, the word LOB Directory influencer began to identify a wider spectrum of famous people. Such as musicians and actors, but also those who simply had a social audience of a certain size.The word content creator, however, identifies that figure who does it professionally and has a following because he creates specific content for social media. Furthermore, after the pandemic, the term content creator has taken on a more positive meaning compared to the term influencer. This has occurred because brands are increasingly focused on quality content. Putting this at the center and not the celebrity they are collaborating with. 

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