.According to the CDP Institute, a CDP is a software package that brings together all available data on customers, prospects. And visitors from all systems or touchpoints to create a uniform, comprehensive view of each individual. This 360° view is then available to all systems for storage, analytics.
Did you find the problem in this statement? A CRM and a marketing automation solution are not a customer data platform (CDP), not even in combination. This blog post clears up such ambiguities, explains the functions of a . CDP and uses examples to illustrate the differences between the CDP and CRM, DMP, data warehouse and automation tools.
A simple application example
As a simple example, let’s take a retailer who sells their DB to Data products both offline in their own store and online. Via their own eShop. The retailer decides to introduce a CDP. He is now installing the CDP tag on his eShop website in order to track all of the shop visitors’ activities, including online purchases.
He also loads the data from his cash register system, i.e. all offline transactions, into the CDP via an interface. It also plays all email campaigns or bounces, opens and clicks from the individual email recipients into the. Customer Data Platform. This all happens in real or near real time.
The CDP now brings together what belongs together CDP in marketing
Offline purchases and interactions with email campaigns. Of course, there are also visitors to the website who do not make a purchase, do not log LOB Directory in and are therefore not identifiable. A profile is also created for these visitors in the CDP and filled with their surfing behavior. For now they simply remain nameless and only have an ID. The retailer can work in the CDP with the profiles that now exist. As a simple example, he can create the dynamic target group “Has purchased at least 200 francs online and offline together in the last 90 days”.
Now he can set a trigger that forwards customer information to his email tool as soon as a customer falls into the dynamic target group. The email tool can then, for example, trigger an automated email with a thank you discount for your next purchase. The assignment of a customer to the target group up to the triggering of the discount email is now completely automated and happens in real time.