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In the data group the bounce rate

We suggest creating a custom report. To do this, go to the Customization tab – Custom reports + new custom report . You can configure it according to the screenshot below.  And the average time spent on the page have been add. Whereas in dimension analysis – input side. When running an online store, you can adjust the report to your requirements and add other indicators,visits, % of new visits, revenue or e-commerce conversion rate. You can also go to the Behavior -> Site Content -> Landing Pages report. Then, you should analyze the keywords that most often generate visits to the top pages visit by users.

Google Analytics – Website search

We choose a specific landing page and change the dimension to a keyword. Here we have to answer the question of whether, bas on this data, we are able to conclude that these are more brand words or rather a long tail? We may also encounter a situation where the collect keywords are very similar, so the phrases hidden under not provid may be similar to them.  Tracking Belize Phone Number List Another way to help us understand the customer journey can be to analyze the search within the site. Thanks to it, it is possible to duce why users chose to visit it. For this purpose, it is requir to enable this function in the Google Analytics administration.

Phone Number List

Then we can analyze this element

To do this, go to the view settings, start the trace and include its parameter. If we don’t know what our parameter is, all we have to do is check the url generat during the search. It is usually in the form: ?parameter=query.  In the Behavior – > Site Search -> Search Terms report . Google Search Console Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools) allows you to monitor your website’s position in Google search results and take care of it and eliminate relat problems. This tool LOB Directory allows you to troubleshoot indexing issues and request indexing of new or updat content.

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