If there is an article on our site that exactly answers the user’s query, the user will leave the site without taking any action after reading it. Such a session will be record in Google Analytics as a rejection even though the website provid the user with the information they were looking for. Factors, including the time spent on the site. So how does the bounce rate affect the position? Here the answer is very complex. Google openly admits that it does not use data from Google Analytics as a ranking factor. This move is understandable knowing that data from Google Analytics can be easily manipulat.
However this should not always be
However, it is worth distinguishing the bounce rate visible in Analytics from the one that Google analyzes in the SERPs. If the user enters our website, but does not find the expect information on it and quickly returns to the search page, Google may treat such behavior as rejection and, in the case of a wider scale of this phenomenon, lower the website’s position due to the mismatch with users’ expectations. Remember that exit rate is measur in a different way, known Cayman Islands Phone Number List only to Google. How to lower the bounce rate? Regardless of the type of our website, it is worth making sure that the bounce rate is as low as possible an end in itself.
The following ways of facilitating
Depending on what we want to achieve, if we have a website, business card, one-page, then, for example, our goal may be to dial the phone number that is given on this page. Then it will be important to connect the appropriate events in Google Analytics. The achievement of this goal should be distinguish: Improv loading spe We live in times where every LOB Directory second counts. Nobody likes to wait, especially on the Internet. That is why it is worth making sure that our website loads quickly.