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I prefer the strategy of using Web CEO

com to your website and your competitors’ websites to get an idea of ​​the approximate amount of traffic you’re getting each month (note that this is just an estimate). I would like you to Web CEO provides  do that). When researching your target keywords, remember to log out of Google and delete all cookies for more neutral results. Personally, I prefer the strategy of using WebCEO to continuously track rankings, but Market Samurai also works well.  the top and bottom of the rankings. If you want a basic overview of what your competitors are doing, try websitegrader.com and woorank.com. These two sites will also give you useful tips on improving your SEO. Content creation The most important aspect of a good SEO strategy is content creation. Most SEO companies charge around $100 for a piece of content.

Moreover, they are often outsourced without

Permission. In this case, content means specific keyword-targeted articles generated for websites, newsletters, and blogs. You pay someone else to write articles about your work. With

this in mind, who can write better articles than the in-house team that knows the job best? When writing articles and entries, try to focus on keywords. Use your target keyword three or four times in your article and hyperlink to the appropriate page on your website. Creating content for websites and products isn’t all that difficult or time-consuming, so I recommend new zealand mobile phone numbers keeping as much content creation in-house as possible. If this is not possible, use a service such as Content Network . On this website, you can request copywriting for each word. Incidentally, I found someone with a master’s degree in English at the University of Michigan who would pay 5 cents per word.

Markup & Standardization Follow coding standard


Phone Number

And use markup semantically. This means you should use only one ‘H1’ tag per page and use appropriate markup for your content. There are countless free resources on the

web about the basics of HTML markup. My favorite resources are the W3C and W3Schools. What is the relationship between markup and SEO? The spider uses markup to determine the importance of the keywords it finds. For example, the ‘H1’ tag is determined to be the most important content on the page and occupies everything on the page. According China WhatsApp Number List to SEOMoz: “Wrapping your targeted keywords in H1 tags won’t necessarily help you rank higher, but it can add some value. Also, this technique is considered an accessibility best practice. It also serves as a recommendation because it explains the content of the page.” This is just one example, but each piece of code is responsible for telling search engines the importance of the page’s content, so you want to use markup appropriately.

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