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There are many types of Instagram

Regularly add not only posts, but also stories in InstaStories – if your profile has more than , followers. followers, you can add links in them with a direct transition to your page. Publish Stories (not all, of course, but forming, for example, a common series) should be sav in highlight thematic stories. Thanks to this, you will give users unlimit access to them and enrich the appearance of your profile with another element. Content that you can place not only in the fe, but also in stories or reels – e.g. infographics, animations, photo galleries or videos.

The time when users were most active

Be sure to try each of them and find out by looking at the statistics which one your followers lik the most , and then try to use it with more frequency and regularity. In addition to the substantive and visual aspect of your posts, in order to expand your reach on Instagram, it is also worth taking into account the time of their publication . Observe statistics regularly and draw conclusions.  Will tell you when it’s best to post another entry. However, remember that Sri Lanka Phone Number List following the above tips is not enough. Instagram is a social mium , which means establishing relationships with other users. Give your potential followers as many opportunities as possible to do so, while also being active yourself.

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Instagram gain more followers

In the effective (and therefore focus on reaching as many people as possible) running Instagram, the strategy of action and its reliable application are helpful. It is worth planning in advance on which days you will publish posts and Insta Stories (although still be open to RTM or spontaneous reports). Do you want to expand your reach on  but you don’t have the time or you have no ideas for content? Entrust the management of your social mia profiles to experts! Contact LOB Directory us! contact Comments add comment Your e-mail address will not be publish.

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