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7 Tips to Make Your Visitors Stay Longer on Your Site

We don’t read a website like any other text. When we browse a website, it is to look for information and we scan the page. Therefore, you will have to convince the visitor that your site is interesting in just a few seconds! Here are our tips for getting there. Nobody reads all of the texts on your website . If the information sought is not on your site, the visitor will go to another site. Studies have shown that when we are on a website, we look at the pages following an “F” pattern . We read the whole first line, half of the second line and then some elements on the left side of the page.

Convince your visitors to stay longer

The most important information at the beginning of your text this information will at least be read by your visitors. The diagram all your important information should be on the left side of the page. The writing  of titles and intertitles having a big impact phone number in mexico the titles and intertitles are the most read elements. Want your site to be a “good” site? Does it attract quality traffic? So help your visitors ! As we said, the visitor is looking for information, so put the information they are looking for on your pages. By giving him this information and satisfying him, he can turn into a prospect and then a customer.

The help you provide to visitors

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Use graphs, figures and images by using verified information, visitors will believe you. Place the desired information if your visitors are looking for information on a subject, do not  disperse yourself with other subjects. Make references to authority sites by Bosnia And Herzegovina Phone Number List taking your sources from expert sites, you can create a relationship of trust with certain visitors. The structure of your site is an important element, if the visitor must browse 5 pages to reach the desired information, he will leave before reaching it. Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like personalized advice.

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