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You can also create a reverse funnel

Path Sequence Exploration Using this method, you will discover the impact of a given event on subsequent actions of your users and find the most popular pages visit by new users after opening the home page. It will also help you detect loops in user activity that may mean that they are stuck somewhere or show errors in the configuration of Google Analytics . path sequence exploration  that you can use to check any event and any page to find out how people got to specific places on your website. You can check how users reach the purchase event and, bas on this, improve this path, introduce solutions that will make the conversion process easier for your customers.

This helps you isolate specific

Segment overlap In this case, we can analyze the common parts of user segments and the connections between them. It is possible to compare three segments simultaneously.  audiences using the terms you choose. Bas on the results obtain, we can create new segments for use in other methods in the Explores section and Google Analytics reports. segment overlap Cohort exploration With the help of this report, you can draw conclusions bas on the behavior and Australia Phone Number List performance of people with common characteristics. A cohort is a group of users who share the same characteristic in a given report, defin by a Google Analytics dimension.

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Cohort exploration For example, you can see. How the behavior of individual groups of users changes from day to day. Week to week and month to month, compar to the time they were acquir. For this report, keep in mind that cohorts are only creat bas on the user’s device. User ID is not includ in it. Let’s talk about the possibilities of your business! Do you want to take advantage of our offer or ask a question? Contact us! Mandatory fields Name your e-mail.  Name LOB Directory Detail information on the processing. Of personal data can be found here.

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