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The carousel with scrolling

Additional information about the physical store Gallery Ads withdrawal Due to the fact that Gallery Ads introduc last yeardid not work as well as expect, Google is phasing out this format and focusing its attention on another beta version, which is image extensions . Galery Ads was suppos to prove itself in many industries hotels, restaurants, automotive, beauty salons and the like.  Images was suppos to engage and attract attention. After about a year of beta version availability, it turns out that only in the automotive industry, Gallery Ads was effective. Currently, image extensions are available on a trial basis and can be access through your maintainer.

The recommend photo size for

Gallery Ads Additionally, Google is also testing dynamic image extensions.  Upload is x px. We also have the option for Google to dynamically select images from our sites. Source. YouTube Select Google has introduc a new global solution that provides more flexibility to reach audiences through Video campaigns. By creating a kind of thematic categories and the ability to target YouTube components such as YouTube Kids, YouTube Music or YouTube TV, as well as Iceland Phone Number List programs YouTube Originals, you can target your ads to more specific audiences moving in these specific areas of videos. youtube watch  time title At the moment in Poland, the use of the tool is difficult, because after going to the account page, we are often greet with a error.

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Here are some of the data available

If you have your supervisor at your disposal it is worth discussing this matter with him. Retail Reporting – Beta The retail report allows you to compare. The performance of prefin categories in one report, broken down by search and shopping campaigns.  In the report: traffic and spend data clicks and cost; campaign information campaign type and name; performance LOB Directory metrics conversions, conversion value and cost per conversion; competitor data click share.

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