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What is a no-process guest blogging strateg

Takeaway: Collaboration is key to an effective guest blogging strategy. As Cory Collins pointed out in this Search Engine Watch article on add-on marketing, “The more we work together, the better we all do.”

2. Develop a process

y? Much more work than necessary.



Let’s take a look at an example:

Our client in the manufacturing industry aimed to increase their website visibility and gain exposure in the industry by placing guest posts on third-party sites. Our taiwan phone number process for growing its audience through social media and relevant industry sites looked like this:

Planning to promote the post through different social platforms allowed us to not only generate exposure and visibility on behalf of our client, but also identify additional leads based on who shared the post.

Takeaway: As with any process, the more you go into it, the more refined it becomes. The key is to develop a robust, systematic approach that keeps everyone involved in the process organized and on task.

3. Cultivate relationships

Recently, at a quarterly meeting, a client’s vice president of sales mentioned that he wanted to make it. A priority to develop a relationship with a well-known publication in his industry. Placing content on the site of this particular publication, which publishes. A quarterly magazine, weekly newsletter, and blog, would not only expos. E our client to hundreds of other businesses in the space. But would also help establish professional ties within this business community.

Phone Number


7 Lessons Learned From Growing Our Blog to Hits in

Canva’s blog, Design School, was successful when I joined the team. Within 60 days of its launch on November 8, 2014, it received 269,714 visits.

The problem was that the number was not Czech Republic Phone Number List increasing. In early February 2015, Canva launched a new strategy that would increase the number of visits to 800,000 in 60 days. We conducted a series of experiments to  find this key driver of growth, coupled with several adjustments to our mindset. Here’s what we learned from our trip:


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