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Ways to Help Clients Turn Their Guest Blogging Into Science

I admit our expectations were high. When I bought my 8 year old a magic science kit a few years ago. We nearly ripped the thing out of the packaging in a rush to see for ourselves. What “unleashing the assistant inside” would be like.

It looked like this: a chalky white mixture of citric. Acid, baking soda, and water gurgling through a test tube for a few seconds. Who would have thought that we would need to spend time on the instruction manual. What about the eruption of color-changing foam on the horizon?

Likewise, when it comes to executing guest blogging taiwan phone number strategies on behalf of clients, it can be tempting for marketers to focus on  end results (e.g. website traffic, audience, authority, backlinks) and glossing over what precedes that magical finish.

1. Adopt a “it takes a village” mentality

When it comes to content marketing efforts undertaken on behalf of clients, I believe it takes a village for a guest blog post to be successfully on a relevant and authoritative industry site. By village, I mean different departments (SEO, content, social, marketing, etc.) collaborating to approach content development from a holistic perspective rather than viewing it as an initiative undertaken by one department or function.


Instead of limiting ourselves to a siled approach that assigns SEO one task, social media strategists another, and content writers yet another, we outline where and how it makes sense for each client’s guest blogging strategies. .

Let’s say a client aims to position their brand as a well-known name in an industry. To achieve this level, our social and SEO teams can collaborate to identify target posts and relevant industry sites with which to pitch a post idea.

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Here’s a look at some of the tools we’ve used to identify guest blogging leads:

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This screenshot shows results for the keyword “B2B Marketing”. To streamline results, filter by content type. (This example shows blogs and guest Czech Republic Phone Number List posts, but you can search for infographics, interviews, etc.) By clicking “Show Sharers” you can view a selection of users who have shared the post on Twitter.

Our content team then contacts the identified target publication or industry websites, proposes topic ideas, creates the content and works with the necessary approvals (client and industry site) to schedule the publication of the article.



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