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This method is free so anyone

Then you ne to set the specific parameters: date range, values, dimensions, filters, segments, etc. that you want to apply to the report. After proper preparation of the settings, click Run Query . You will see the generat report, which you can download in. tsv format and then open it in Excel or Google Sheets: Advantages and disadvantages who reads the metrics available in the support will be able to use it. However, the use of API parameters is not a simple solution for everyone, so it is easy to get discourag with this option.

Then search for Google Analytics

You also ne to know what metrics you can combine your Google Analytics dimensions with. Google Analytics add-on This method allows us to immiately export data to Google Sheets, which we can keep on a specially establish Drive. In the first step, create a new sheet and give it an appropriate name, after which we will know what information it contains, Data from UA_GAds_ campaigns. In the Menu select Extensions -> Add-ons -> Download add-ons :  App, click to install it. Follow the instructions: Once you’ve install it, go back to your Google Sheet. Select Dominican Republic Phone Number List Extensions again , you should see the download app in the list. Hover over it and select Create a new report.

Phone Number List

After clicking the blue Create report

The report configuration window will appear on the right side. This is where the requir fields to be set are locat. Give the report an appropriate name, select the account, service and GA view from which you want to download parameters and set the metrics and segments you are interest in button , a new report configuration sheet will appear: We can set additional parameters in it, such as date range or filter. To do this we ne to know the name of the parameters, this page will help ga-dev-tools.web. appdimensions-metrics-explorer.

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