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The way the page itself is viewed differs

ke to hear exciting stories about the future. He started off by saying, “Web Site Sucks,” which drew laughter from the audience. The reason is that the conversion rate of most websites is too low.While design and technology have improved over the past decade, conversion rates haven’t changed much. Why? Today, I want to talk about how to The current average  increase conversion rates. 1. UVP (Unique Value Proposition): It is important to create a unique and valuable message in the first place. And you have to convey it within 3 seconds. If it’s an e-commerce site, there should be a strong one-line message at the top of the page, before and after the global navigation (free shipping, sales information, etc.) that won’t deter users. 2.Make a convincing offer. The most important and most effective is free shipping.

No matter the genre, nothing can beat this.

Even if the offer is communicated on the landing page, the message is often not communicated during the checkout process. Make sure you don’t forget by repeating it over and over until the last page. 4. Create  synergy between ads and landing pages. The us numbers list colors and tones of the design should be the same. It should make you think you’ve come to the right place. The same goes for text ads. Convey the message you convey in your text ads on your landing page. 5. Optimize the entire site, not just the landing page. Some users come to the landing page, leave once, and then come back again. It is important to post a message that immediately conveys the offer you conveyed on the landing page to users who visit your site’s home page.

If the landing page and site administrator are different

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There are cases where there is no relationship between the two. 6. First impressions matter. The first 8 seconds are important. The 8 second rule applies to all media, including television and radio. 7. Appeal  to multiple customer types. The way the page itself is viewed differs depending on the customer type. Some people read all the information on a page, while others only look at a portion of it before making a decision. You should consider multiple Hong Kong WhatsApp Number List customer personas and create content that appeals to each persona. . . . I’m sure this person was talking a lot  about Persona at one point. I’m sure it’s important, but it’s difficult. . . 8. Landing page optimization and multi-variant testing are important, but users don’t see all the information.

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