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One of the most important

Departments inside the supermarket is sales and this is because.  The supermarket is not one of the commercial areas.  hat makes one or two sales. During the day it is characteriz by a large number of sales a large number of items and a large number of customers so tht supermarket accounting program the best supermarket cashier program a supermarket program a supermarket cashier the best complete supermarket program a supermarket cashier program a cashier program aust plan the daily operations.

Manage and this includes planning

Inventory setting prices coordinating business operations relationships with suppliers and managing workers. Inventory Management The store manager has to check Iran Telegram Number Data current inventory plan upcoming orders and provide products ne for daily business operations. Managing employees The store manager must manage employees and work to enhance teamwork and cooperation. This includes training guidance error management and instructions.

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Customer Relations

The store manager must manage customer relations and work to achieve customer satisfaction and maintain customer loyalty. This includes providing the necessary Benin Phone Number List support to customers and resolving problems that may occur. Purchasing management The store manager must deal with suppliers check prices and quality available in the market and coordinate purchases to obtain the best offers. Marketing The store manager must work to develop and implement.

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