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The invoice and the information

The invoice is sign by using a private key and the authenticity of the signature can be verifi by using the public key which is us to verify electronic signatures. An electronic seal is data in electronic form that is attach or logically link to other data in electronic form to ensure the origin cribility integrity and non tampering of the data. The electronic seal is the equivalent and evolution of the company’s rubber seal. It is consider evidence that the data system or invoices have not been tamper with and are correct. The most frequently ask questions about electronic stamping.

The electronic seal

Also be us in multiple fields such as e commerce financial transactions insurance and government. The electronic seal is consider one of the Italy WhatsApp Number List important digital insurance tools to ensure the authenticity of information and electronic transactions and one of the tools towards digital transformation in the systems of state government institutions. The increase in the use of electronic stamping comes at a time when companies and commercial establishments ne to sign electronic invoices before sending them to the Egyptian Tax Authority.

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Organizations often ne to sign

Documents as a legal entity rather than an individual person. Documents sent by organizations online ne authenticity and integrity for compliance Albania Phone Number List reasons and to ensure trust in the company’s brand. For this purpose electronic seals may serve as proof that an electronic document was issu by a legal person ensuring the authenticity and integrity of the document. However throughout the European Union when a transaction requ.

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