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The gift guide is a new version

Effie Awards Gift Guide: For those planning ahead The end of November is the time when you can clearly feel the atmosphere of the upcoming holidays in shopping malls, shops and streets. The more so that Black Friday falls just a week before Mikołajki. For prudent and advance buyers, this is the best time to start picking gifts for lov ones.  Of articles like “X things worth having”. The difference is that we are talking about things that are worth giving – so we share inspirations and help in making a difficult choice which many people spend sleepless nights. A presenter can be an article on a company blog, or even better – a video tutorial.

Another advantage is that once

Contrary to appearances, you can prepare this type of content almost regardless of what you sell if these are services, not products – a voucher can also be an idea for a gift. Gift cards for Black Friday shopping should be prepar and publish well in advance in mid-November so that your recipient has time to plan their purchases.  Prepar gift and guide content supports Afghanistan Mobile Number List conversions in your store not only before Black Friday – users will also reach for them before St. Nicholas’ Day or Christmas Eve itself you can then refresh them and add new promotions by recycling content. Shopping haul and anti-haul.

Phone Number List

An increasingly popular trend

Shopping hauls are a popular format, especially when it comes to videocontent on the channels of influencers and micro-influencers – that’s why it’s worth inviting them to cooperate on this type of content. By the way, the influencer can immiately share discount codes with viewers or explain the rules of promotion in your store. Is also “anti-haul”, guides on what. not to buy. Anti-hauls are a perverse form of advertising and should be us skillfully and judiciously if you think this format is about dissuading LOB Directory you from buying from your competition – unfortunately, that’s not the way to go.

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