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The copywriter is not a scientist

Copywriter does not have to write for SEO, because he does not necessarily have to deal with the SEO segment. I know that this is an entry from an SEO agency and hence the optics, but Copywriter != SEO copywriter. In the same way, even a professional copywriter can choose the segment in which he wants to write. If someone does not feel comfortable writing articles in the field of, for example, quantum or mical physics, they have the right not to do it. and will not jump a certain depth (he will not suddenly become a scientist or a doctor. Reliability also depends on the budget, with a low budget a copywriter will not spend time on reliability that goes beyond time and budget.

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That is why the article is great in terms of content, but a bit too perfectAnswer Patrick Szczepaniak July , at : Patryk Szczepaniak wrote Chris The part about optics: copywriter and SEO, absolutely right. we are even oblig to write a text about the “human side of the copywriter”. And your comment will be the perfect brief. Thanks! Answer add comment Your e-mail Morocco Phone Number List address will not be publish. Requir fields are mark rirect: what is it, how to do it, when to use it? SEO June , Carolina Baran The Internet is an extremely dynamic space in which numerous changes take place, and their inseparable element are constant transformations conversions of URL addresses. For Google robots, the matter can be problematic – it happens to get confus and index the wrong address.

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That is why it is worth giving them the simplest and most unambiguous instructions so that the indexation runs as flawlessly as possible. One such clue is a rirect, which informs you that a given page (and with it the user) has been mov to a different LOB Directory location. What is a rirect? What is a rirect? This is an HTTP status code – it is a message that the server returns after the browser sends a request to download a given resource. This means that it is a way of informing the web browser, “customer” whether the page is available.

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