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Tech and digital for refugee women: Extera together with Sistech

It can be. It is for Extern, an agency where girls continue to grow in number and responsibility. The gender gap in “tech” disciplines is still a fact, but so is the continuous evolution of the sector: constantly looking for talent in the face of an increasingly pervasive “digital” and in perennial innovation in the face of the speed at which technology moves today. Recognizing the immense value created by diversity, we’re excited to announce our partnership with Sistech, Europe’s leading non-profit dedicated to empowering refugee women in the digital and tech industries. Through this collaboration, we aim to provide girls with comprehensive training, networking opportunities, and a supportive platform to thrive in the digital workforce, fostering an environment where they can feel secure and empowered to reach their full potential.

Extera volunteering

Refugee women are still unemployed 5 years after arriving in their host country. And when they do find a job, 67% of them say it’s a job for which they are overqualified. Why the tech sector? But why is the “tech & digital” world perfect for the professional inclusion of refugee women? Let’s see the reasons: Refugee women are usually more educated than refugee men and often have a STEM background. Tech has no Belgium WhatsApp Number Data preconceptions: if you are good or suitable for the role, you don’t need a degree to prove it, and this is fundamental for the inclusion of women with refugee status in the world of work, considering that often the degrees obtained are not recognized in their countries of origin. Tech companies need diversity and inclusion solutions to remain competitive and continue to grow.

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This is untapped human potential

Innovation is 6 times higher in companies with gender-balanced teams. And this sector thrives on innovation. External volunteering in SimTech’s training program also lives thanks to the support of volunteer mentors and trainers, who support refugee LOB Directory women in the retraining program. Many of the girls within the 2023 program wanted to train as web developers . So Ext era’s two frontend developers, Enda and Fabio, dedicated themselves to job shadowing, shadowing a total of 3 fellows. They virtually welcomed the girls into their working days, who followed them in the organization of tasks and the typical activities of a developer, asking questions and finding their answers in the observation and explanations of their colleagues.

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