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Storytelling as a supplementary

So foresight sets a strategic framework to create powerful conversations around these collective fantasies. Once you are aware of these archetypal stories and how they deal with weak signals of change, you can generate effective storytelling bas on this information.  Tool At Enigma, we see storytelling as more than just another additional tool. Storytelling fits in many areas such as service design, strategic foresight, design thinking, business model generation and so on. Strive for a variety of content. Enrich texts with graphics (remember to complete their ALT attribute), and if possible, also with videos. Remember about the meta title and description. The title informs Google and users about the subject of the subpage, and the meta description – briefly summarizes its content.

As usual these are record in our series

Only by combining these different tools can a long-lasting effect be achiev. giphy Stay inform about the development of storytelling Today, storytelling is a fast-pac field. If you want to stay up to date about this, you can subscribe to our newsletter (you can find it below). Our specialists will continue to delve into new insights into storytelling.  Of articles, which we always mention in our newsletter.Let me tell you a story involving a father, his daughter, a Canada Mobile Number List supermarket and a statistician. It’s not a joke, no. It’s a true story about how smart salespeople can leverage big data.

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Of course the manager apologizes

A large American supermarket sends a -year-old girl coupons for baby clothes and cribs. When the father finds out about this, he gets angry. “What are they thinking of?” he wonders. So he goes straight to the nearest shop and asks about the manager.  after a detail description from the father. Since the manager is a very polite man, he calls the father again a few days after this incident to offer his apologies once more. But now something unforeseen LOB Directory happens: the father apologizes to the manager. What happen? Well, the father found out his daughter is pregnant.

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