Home » Publisher Discounts Lead to Content Opportunities for

Publisher Discounts Lead to Content Opportunities for

In the first place In this week’s episode, Robert and I discuss CMI’s purchase of the UK-based Content Marketing Show and its plans to redeploy it in a new format. Next, we reflect on what’s really behind Verizon’s recent purchase of AOL and break down why Spotify decided to add videos and podcasts to its popular music service. Next, we turn our attention to two articles that purport to reveal the problems facing content marketers, without giving advice on how to  solve them. Moments and accolades include Purina’s stagnant puppy care microsite and a fascinating perspective on customer experiences and content marketing. We end the show with the exampl ThisOldMarketing from this week’s Fresh Fork Market Almanac.


1. Content Marketing in the News

  • Last week for PNR listeners to get love (3:25):We love our PNR listeners. That’s why we’re giving you an extra discount on Content Marketing World. Listen to the podcast to get the discount code, which will get you up to $600 off the registration price. But don’t wait, because this special PNR-only incentive expires on May 31, 2015.
  • Cmi acquires content marketing show (4:42): on may 21, 2015, cmi announced that it had acquired the. Uk content marketing show. Instead of producing american number for whatsapp an in-person event in london. Cmi will transform the content marketing show into a three-day virtual. Event focused exclusively on measuring return on content marketing.

3. Rants and Raves (41:50)

In the first place Joe’s rant: Purina has launched a branded microsite called Puppyhood, which has everything puppy owners need to know to care for their newborns – from nutrition and grooming to health and exercise . Conceptually, it’s a wonderful idea. and I are discussing a question that marketers often fail to ask: what if we are successful? How will we maintain and grow this content initiative?

  • Robert’s rave:Robert likes a new TechCrunch article by Tom Goodwin titled The Battle is for the Customer Interface . In it, he describes how the greatest opportunities for profit and growth today lie in providing software interfaces that enhance the customer experience. Examples include Airbnb, Uber, Instacart and WhatsApp. Robert’s advice: Think of content not as marketing, but as a richer interface through which customers can experience your brand.

4. This former marketing example of the week (53:40)

Phone Number

In the first place Fresh fork market almanac:fresh fork market is. A buying group for small farms in the cleveland, ohio area. It serves as a cooperative to distribute Cyprus Phone Number List food and meat from 100 family farms in northeast ohio to. Its subscriber customers. As a matter of fact at publishes a print almanac – a 64-page coffee-table quality annual magazine with high-quality photography and. Articles in an attractive layout. Editorial content includes farmer profiles. A calendar of food distribution dates and locations, tips for getting . The most out of your share of food distribution, recipes and other.


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