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Posted by Christopher Ratcliff

Testing the site before launch a detailed The proposed checklist will help to conduct a comprehensive check of the site and eliminate common errors. , editor of the online publication Search Engine Watch. Checking a site before launch is an important and responsible task in which the whole team should take part: editors, designers, developers, SEO specialists and system administrators. The 28-point checklist below will allow you to take a comprehensive iran number whatsapp approach to solving this problem and make sure that everything looks and functions as it should. The list contains separate items for all specialists who are related to the work of the site. Tasks for editors and authors 1. Spelling, grammar and punctuation.


 Check the spelling, grammar,

and typos on the site – not only in article texts and headings, but also in navigation elements, CTA buttons, forms, and so on. 2. Shapes Fill out the forms on the site and answer the following questions: Can this process be improved? How clear and precise are the instructions? Are there any difficulties during the filling? Is the completed form sent to the right address or does it end up with the wrong people? 3. Images Make sure all images are optimized and light weight. Check that the headings and alternative text are correct. wordpress-photo-upload-highlighting-caption-and-description 4. Context Looking at the pages from a critical point of view, answer the following questions: Why do you need to visit this page? Is the content ready for visitors? Is the page targeted to the target audience? Tasks for a web designer


 Website loading speed Check


Phone Number

the size of the site pages and their loading speed. To do this, you can use the tool from Google. Page load speed is a ranking factor. Therefore, it is Cambodia Phone Number List important to follow all the recommendations of the search engine to improve it – as much as possible. 6. Ease of viewing on mobile devices Check if the site is mobile friendly. If there are any errors, correct them. 7. Compatibility Make sure your website pages display correctly in common browsers. 8. Fonts Check if the specified formatting is observed everywhere. Pay special attention to letters and words that stand out from the main text. 9. Navigation Make sure that any navigation on the site takes the user to the right place for him, and not to completely different or non-working pages.checklist.

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