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One of the best ways to create value

For any variation of the page you removed, do a 301 redirect to the live version of that page . That redirect will tell search engines that you moved it. Question 2: Are you able to provide practical advice or appropriate research? One of the best ways to create value for your readers and get more links is to think about a problem they have and offer a how-to article or tutorial on that topic.  is what the reader wants and needs. Original research is content that contains facts and ideas from unknown sources. He conducts interviews, compiles all the stories himself, and provides not only facts but analysis. Additionally, it can be combined and analyzed with other analyzes and facts to come up with original material. Kaspar Szymanski, search quality strategist at Google Dublin, suggests : Surveys and original research can serve the same purpose if they are useful to your target audience.

Both techniques increase your credibility and visibility

In your community. This will help you gain loyal followers who will generate lasting, credit-based links and direct traffic to “spread the word.” Providing many solutions to different problems will evolve into  a blog that can continue to influence the site’s reputation in a positive way. Question 3: Have you corrected any spelling, grammar, or factual errors? Did you know that poor spelling can cause your site to rank low? On October 5, 2011, Matt Cutts posted a video explaining the correlation between sites with high PageRank and good spelling and sites with telephone number in taiwan low PageRank and poor spelling . Matt also mentioned that the signal they were looking for to determine the quality of a site was reading level. In fact, you can use Google’s advanced search feature to measure the reading level of your site. This is the reading level for Quick Sprout: You can see that 93% of the content on Quick Sprout is basic, 7% is intermediate, and 0% is advanced.

Notice how each search engine’s results display

Phone Number

Rading level below the URL. I try to write at a 5th grade level even when dealing with complex information , and it seems I’m succeeding at it! Question 4: Is the topic interesting to readers? SEO copywriting is a  hot topic, but I’ve always felt that by paying too much attention to the “SEO” part, you can provide content that search spiders love France WhatsApp Number List but humans hate. When you prioritize the needs of search engines over your readers, you’ll produce one bad copy after another. Machines may like it, but humans don’t! In the end, it’s the humans that matter. Because they’re the ones who buy your products and subscribe to your newsletters. So write for your readers first, and search engines second .

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