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Java Script should be restrict

It is also not recommend to use &ID= parameters in addressing.  In the sent news. If the content is hidden behind JS, GoogleBot will not try to analyze the script – that’s why it’s so important that all the text is available in the source code. Many blog articles are enrich by various modules generat in JS: “similar content”, “read more”, “see more” – we all know such advertising blocks. Java Script is often us to do this. This is not recommend for Google News, because as a result, we block the Google robot’s walk on the page, interrupting its paths with sudden scripts. Once we add news that we want to position in the News tab, it is recommend to mark it with structur data.

That’s why it’s so important to markup

Structur data are tags that are us to describe the content of a page in a form that is understandable by search engines. How it’s working? Well, if we have an online bookstore, we use the “book” tag to tell Google that there is a book there. It doesn’t always have to be clear to Google that a book is a book, an organization is an organization, a company is a company, and a product is a product. Google is bas on an algorithm and analyzes semantic connections, from Estonia Phone Number List which it does not always have to be clear that something is something.  Page types with structur data. This type can be for example news.

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Implement AMP is a great advantage

They can be mark with tags, the most popular are Article, NewsArticle and more specific: Opinion News Article, Reportage NewsArticle or Review NewsArticle.That Google strongly rewards in Google News. AMP is bas on limiting some HTML and CSS elements to spe up page loading. AMP is heavily restrict when it comes to JS frameworks, which has made AMP for mobile pages synonymous with “Fast Pages” and a Google News page must be absolutely fast. This is a standard that should apply to every page, but a page that wants to join Google LOB Directory News – especially. We are talking about SSL.

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