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Interview with Karim De Martino

A single designer cannot have all the optimal qualities developed to the maximum, a team can. Let’s see what some of these characteristics are which, if well combined, make a project really work. Q What are the characteristics that a good designer must have? Creativity? Right. Attention to detail? Surely. The fact is that the perfect balance, as always, is found in the alchemy of many different aspects which, if well blended, create magic, but above all beautiful and functional projects. Individual design skill and talent matters, but it’s not enough. Getting the most out of a project requires sensitive management, visionary leadership and well-managed operations.

If a single person cannot have

All the optimal qualities developed to the maximum, a team can. So let’s see what some of these characteristics are which, if well combined, make a project really work . Empathy Good design relies heavily on the ability to empathize with the user. Understanding and anticipating what may be the needs, requests and above all expectations of the people who will use a certain Germany WhatsApp Number Data product or service is really important and very often it is what makes the difference between a beautiful project that works and one that perhaps has an impact, but has little usable. Designing with empathy also means having an empathetic personality because sensitivity and emotional intelligence are needed that go beyond mere knowledge of the subject.

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Of course the reality of what

Needs to work for the business also comes into play and compromise is often necessary , so diplomacy and mediation skills are always necessary, but a good level of empathy will allow the team to tackle the most difficult design challenges. Passion LOB Directory There must be an underlying desire and sincere care to deliver on the initial promise to ensure the success of a project . Having passion means doing what you can, but also enjoying the steps of the job from start to finish . Perceiving passion from a team means increasing motivation and creating a positive working environment. Having passionate people in a team makes a huge difference to the success of building a product or service.

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