Shopping paths for each customer are different, but they can be analyz taking into account data such as gender, age, location, industry of the contact. To learn more about this, I encourage you to read two articles on our blog: Build a Customer Journey Map! and Buyer Persona – how to reach the customer precisely? When we have ready profiles of our clients and we already know how they interact with us, we are able to prepare automations that will award points for performing individual actions. When working on a scoring campaign, you should also take into account the duction of points. With us at the appropriate time, we must ruce its scoring accordingly. Thanks to such action, we are sure that the contacts with the most points are the ones that are most active, react to our messages and are always interest in our offer.
The position of the lead in the company
Programmatic Scoring can be divid into two scoring groups: Demographic scoring Activity scoring Demographic scoring refers to scoring leads bas on their demographic characteristics: For companies from the B C sectors, we can award points on the basis of identifying: age Gender Location For the B B sectors, the most important may be: He represents Company size Branch of industryeconomy The company’s financial capabilities Activity scoring is bas Dubai Mobile Number List on the analysis of the behavior and level of lead engagement. It is important to accurately identify behaviors that show a high level of interest and select leads that are more likely to make a purchase or use the service.
Downloading materials from the website
We can distinguish several most important activities: Visiting an important page, e.g. with a price list of services Filling out the contact form for people interest in contacting the seller Such as examples of implementation, case study, free sample Starting the trial Clicking on a link from an important email A visualization that will show what demographic factors and activities we will add or subtract LOB Directory scoring points for will be helpful when creating scoring rules.