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How the Instagram 2023 algorithm works

The Instagram algorithms have one goal: to make the user stay in the application longer by providing content that will be relevant and interesting. And since each user has his own interests, the content should be individual for each.

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How the Instagram fee algorithm works
The Instagram feed is aim at keeping in touch. With friends, family and interests. This means the user’s feed will contain.

Content from accounts to which the user is subscrib


Recommende content from accounts that, in Instagram’s opinion, the user should like;
It will also be a mix of videos, photos and carousels. With the help of any ranking algorithm, its work can be broken down into steps.

The algorithm begins by determining a set of things that Instagram plans to rank first. Using the fe The algorithm looks at the most recent posts shar  people the user follows, as well as posts from accounts the user has not yet followe and that Instagram thinks they might be interest in.

It then determines what might

interest the user bas on a number of factors. In particular, what and who the user recently follow like or communicat with. The algorithm personalizes this experience to try to find a balance between content from accounts the user follows and content from accounts the user doesn’t follow but might be interest.

Next, Instagram takes all available information

about what was pos, the people who made those posts, and the user’s preferences. Instagram also began to consider other factors, such as format. That is, if the algorithm notices that the user prefers photos, it will show more photos. These are all so-called signals, and there are thousands of them. Signals include everything from when a post was shared, to whether a user is using a phone or desktop, to how often a user likes a video.

The most important signals

in the channel, roughly in order of importance, are:

Activity. Posts that a user has shared, saved, or commented on help the algorithm understand what might be of interest to the user.
Publication information. These are signals both about how popular a post is—how many people lik it and how quickly people like, comment, share, and save it—as well as more mundane information about the content itself, such as when it was publish and from which geolocation, if it is was attach to the post.

Information about the person

The post. This helps the social network understand how interesting that person might be to the user, and includes signals about how many times people have interacte with that person in the past few weeks.
History of interaction with someone. This gives the algorithm an idea of ​​how much the user is generally interested in the publications of a certain person. For example, do these users comment on each other’s posts.
Metrics taken into account by the Instagram feed algorithm

Rice Metrics taken into account by the Instagram feed algorithm

Based on this, Instagram makes a number of predictions. These are educated guesses about how likely a user is to interact with a post in different ways. There are about 12 such ways. The tape has 5 options for such interactions, which the algorithm pays the most attention to is the probability that:

The user will spend a few seconds on the publication

will click on the profile picture.
The greater the probability that the user will take this or that action, and the more weight Instagram will give to this action, the higher the user will see this post in the feed. Instagram adds and removes signals and predictions over time, working to better reflect what interests users.

There are a few cases where Instagram tries to take other considerations into account. For example, Instagram tries to avoid showing too many posts from the same person in a row or too many suggested posts one after the other.

Instagram is always about giving people

the opportunity to express themselves, but when someone posts something that could threaten another person’s safety, the social network intervenes. There are Community Guidelines that apply not only to the feed, but to all of Instagram. These rules are aimed at ensuring people’s safety. If a user posts something that violates the Network’Instagram is committed to being more transparent

About rankings, so it recently shared guidelines for what types of content the network moves down the feed and stories. This type includes:




Browsing history. Instagram takes

into account how often a user views an account’s stories to prioritize stories from accounts that the network thinks the user doesn’t want to miss.
History of interactions. Shows how often you interact with this account’s stories, such as liking or sharing messages.
Proximity. Takes into account your relationship with the author in general and the likelihood that you can become friends or relatives.
Metrics that Instagram stories algorithm takes into account

Signals that the Instagram stories algorithm takes into account

Based on these signals, Instagram makes a number of predictions about which stories a user finds more relevant and valuable, including how likely a user is to click on a story, respond to a story, or skip to the next story, to determine which stories will appear higher in the stories bar. Community rules and guidelines for what type of content Instagram moves down the feed and stories also apply here .


Again, the first step the network takes is to define a set of posts to rank. In order to find photos and videos that may be of interest, Instagram analyzes a user’s past activity, such as posts they have liked, saved, shared or commented on in the past.


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When the social network finds a group of posts and videos of potential interest, it ranks them according to how much it thinks the user is interested in each one, similar to how Instagram ranks feeds and stories. The best way to predict how interested a user is in something is to predict how likely they are to do something with the post. The most important actions that Instagram takes into account in Explore: likes, saves and shares.

The most important signals that the network

considers, in approximate order of importance:

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User activity in Recommendations. These are signals about which posts a user has liked, saved, shared or commented on, as well as information about interaction with posts from Recommendations in the past. If a user interacts with a certain type of post, Instagram will try to show more content that is similar to the original post that the user interacted with.

The history of the user’s interaction

with the person who published the email marketing, strategy and its benefits post. Chances are, the post was made by someone the user has never heard of, but if they interacted with them, it gives the network’s algorithm an idea of ​​how interested the user might alb directory be in what they shared.
Information about the person who published the post. These are signals about how many times people have interacted with that person in the past few weeks, helping you find interesting content from a wide range of people.

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