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How to create an effective strategy

There are many goals that Google Ads can help in achieving and they depend mainly on what business we are promotingat what stage of its development we are and how we already deliver users to the website through other channels. Examples of objectives and how they should be formulat in more detail are present in the table below.  In Google Ads campaigns- part AND Shopping funnel and set goals. In the next step the goals that we have defin should be adapt to the purchase funnel.

It shows which users and at what

Purchasing stage we should reach. This will be helpful in the next stagewhen choosing Google Ads channels. Some of the goals clearly define what stage of the funnel they concern. Increasing brand recognition or introducing a new product Job Function Email Database to the market is relat to reaching users at the beginning of the purchasing path at the stage of being notic. On the other handgenerating sales or increasing the conversion rate concerns another stage conversion.

Job Function Email Database

In the diagram belowwe can see

The matching of sample goals to the place in the shopping funnelwhere we should reach with an advertising message. How to create an effective strategy in Google Ads campaigns- part. AND Selection of Google Ads channels. Search Network In the case of text ads on the search networkthe main factor that affects which customersat what stage of the funnel we want to reachare keywords. If our goal is to increase LOB Directory brand recognitionwe try to display the advertisement on general phrases not directly relat to our product.



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