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Disabl Research Center at AGH and made

Bas on previously conduct research, it is believ that there are over million people with various dysfunctions in our country, but in reality there are much more of them – from to even million. This value applies to people with a legal confirmation of their disability and to people with a significant biological disability. According to a study conduct by Ewa Migaczewska and Tomasz Maslyk from the Polish  available in , % of Internet users are people with disabilities: Source: The nature of the use of the Internet by disabl and non-disabl people in the perspective of digital exclusion – comparative analysis.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

According to their study, the group of people with disabilities who are most likely to use the Internet is ag – or – , with post-secondary or higher ucation and with a moderate or severe degree of disability. It is worth emphasizing that the problem relat to the lack. Of facilities allowing for trouble-free use of the Internet also applies to people with, for example, eyesight problems, elderly people or people who only know the basics of the Polish language. Every website has dozens of challenges for them to overcome. In Poland, the Act of April , is in force. on the digital Poland Mobile Number List accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities . It contains requirements compatible with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standards.

Phone Number List

Their author is the Web Accessibility Initiative

These are the rules for designing websites adapt to the requirements of people with disabilities.  (WAI), which is a member of the World Wide Web Consortium (W C) . The W C is an international organization that sets standards for the Internet. The main principles of WCAG regarding website usability are: Perception.  All elements of the user interface must be present in a way accessible to its senses. Functionality – all interface and LOB Directory navigation elements should be usable. Understandability All information. On the site should be present in a way. That is clear and understandable to the user.

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